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We will be open for strawberry picking on:
Thursday February 13
10:00 am - 12:00 noon
All pickings are subject to weather and availability.
We recommend closed toe shoes when picking.
Back Road Berries is a family owned and operated you-pick berry farm. We grow three types of berries: strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. Strawberry harvesting begins in November and continues into March. Blueberry picking begins in April and ends in May. Our Thorn-less Blackberries ripen the latter part of May and pick through June. Harvest times may vary slightly from year to year due to Mother Nature. During our picking season we send out email alerts to notify our customers of available picking times. If you would like to be added to our email list, click the subscribe button and enter your email address. Rest assured, we do not share our customers' information. We are located on the outskirts of The Villages and our address is 13578 CR 103 Oxford, FL 34484. For additional information, you can contact us at 352-303-3213.
Picking at Back Road Berries is fun for the whole family, but due to GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) pets are not allowed. When picking, we suggest wearing closed toed shoes. There is no need to bring your own picking container. We supply you with a bag lined picking bucket. For those of you who are unable to pick or prefer not to pick, pre-picked berries are available. All picking times are based on weather and availability. For your convenience call before you come (352-303-3213).
Do you like homemade goodies? During our picking seasons, we have homemade pies made with our fresh berries. Supplies are limited, so we recommend calling ahead to reserve your favorite (352-303-3213). We also have homemade jams and preserves.